💰💸 How your payment method impacts insurance premiums - find out now!

How your payment method impacts insurance premiums – find out now!

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | Insurance Premiums | Start A Quote Today!

When it comes to insurance, there are many factors that can influence the cost of your premiums. One such factor that often goes unnoticed is the method of payment. How you choose to pay for your insurance can have an impact on the rates you are charged. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between insurance costs and payment methods, and discuss how your payment choices can influence your premiums. So, if you’re curious about whether your payment method affects your insurance rates, keep reading to find out!

Understanding Insurance Premiums Cost and Payment

Insurance costs are determined by various factors, including your age, driving record, location, and the type of coverage you need. However, the method of payment you choose can also play a role in determining your premiums. Insurance companies consider payment methods as a risk factor, as certain payment options may indicate a higher likelihood of missed or late payments. This can result in higher premiums for those who choose certain payment methods.

Exploring Insurance Premium Payment Methods and Options

Insurance companies typically offer various payment methods and options to accommodate their customers’ preferences. These options may include monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments. Some insurers also offer automatic payment deductions from your bank account or credit card. While these options provide flexibility, they may come with additional fees or charges. It’s important to carefully consider the payment method that suits your financial situation and budget.

The Impact of Payment Methods on Insurance Premiums

Certain payment methods can have a direct impact on your insurance premiums. For example, if you choose to pay your premiums annually, insurance companies may offer a discount as it reduces administrative costs. On the other hand, opting for monthly payments may result in higher premiums due to additional processing fees. Additionally, missed or late payments can lead to penalties or even policy cancellation, which can further increase your insurance costs.

Factors Influencing Insurance Premiums

While payment methods can affect your insurance premiums, it’s important to note that they are just one of many factors considered by insurance companies. Other factors, such as your driving history, credit score, and the type of coverage you choose, also play a significant role in determining your premiums. Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain a good driving record, improve your credit score, and review your coverage periodically to ensure you’re getting the best rates possible.

Payment Options for Insurance

When it comes to paying for insurance, it’s essential to explore all available options. Shield Insurance Agency, for instance, represents over 40 insurance companies and offers a range of payment options to suit your needs. Whether you prefer monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual payments, Shield Insurance Agency can help you find the right payment method that aligns with your budget and financial goals.

In conclusion, how you choose to pay for your insurance can indeed impact your premiums. Insurance companies consider payment methods as a risk factor, and certain options may result in higher rates. It’s crucial to carefully evaluate your payment options and choose the method that best suits your financial situation. Additionally, remember that payment methods are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to determining insurance premiums. Factors such as your driving history, credit score, and coverage choices also play a significant role. To explore your insurance options and find the best payment method for you, contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK, and an agent will be in touch soon.

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Surprising Truth: 🏦 How Switching Insurance Companies Impacts Your Credit Score!

Surprising Truth: How Switching Insurance Companies Impacts Your Credit Score!

Shield Insurance Blog | Credit Score | Start A Quote Today!

Changing insurance companies can be a daunting task. There are so many factors to consider, from coverage options to customer service. But one question that often comes up is whether changing insurance companies can have an impact on your credit score. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between changing insurance companies and your credit score, and provide some insights to help you make an informed decision.

How Does a Credit Score Work?

First, let’s understand how credit scores work. Your credit rating is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. It is used by lenders to determine your ability to repay loans and manage credit responsibly. Credit scores are calculated based on various factors, including payment history, credit utilization, length of credit history, new credit, and credit mix.

Now, let’s address the main question – does changing insurance companies affect your credit score? The short answer is no, changing insurance companies does not directly impact your credit score. Insurance companies do not report your policy changes or premium payments to credit bureaus. Therefore, switching insurance companies alone will not cause your credit rating to change.

However, it is important to note that there are certain situations where changing insurance companies can indirectly affect your credit score. One such situation is when you apply for a new insurance policy. Insurance companies may perform a soft credit check when you apply for coverage. A soft credit check does not impact your credit score, as it is only a brief inquiry. However, if you decide to switch insurance companies frequently and apply for multiple policies within a short period, it could raise red flags for lenders and potentially impact your credit rating.

Another way changing insurance companies can indirectly affect your credit score is through payment history. If you fail to pay your insurance premiums on time, your insurance company may report the late payment to credit bureaus. Late payments can have a negative impact on your credit score. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you make timely payments to your insurance company, regardless of whether you are switching or staying with the same insurer.

Credit Score and Your Insurance Premiums

It is also worth mentioning that your credit score can indirectly impact your insurance premiums. Insurance companies often use credit-based insurance scores to determine the cost of your coverage. These scores are different from traditional credit scores and are specifically designed for insurance purposes. They take into account factors such as payment history, outstanding debt, length of credit history, and new credit applications. So, while changing insurance companies may not directly affect your credit score, your credit score can influence the premiums you pay for your insurance coverage.

Now that we have addressed the relationship between changing insurance companies and your credit score, let’s discuss some tips to help you navigate the process smoothly:

1. Research and compare insurance companies: Before making a switch, take the time to research and compare different insurance companies. Look for ones that offer the coverage you need at a competitive price. Consider factors such as customer reviews, financial stability, and claims handling process.

2. Notify your current insurance company: Once you have decided to switch, make sure to notify your current insurance company. Provide them with the necessary information and request cancellation of your policy. It is important to follow the proper procedures to avoid any potential issues or penalties.

3. Pay your premiums on time: As mentioned earlier, late payments can negatively impact your credit score. Make it a priority to pay your insurance premiums on time, regardless of whether you are switching or staying with the same insurer. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you never miss a payment.

4. Understand the terms and conditions: Before signing up with a new insurance company, carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy. Pay attention to details such as coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions. It is essential to have a clear understanding of what you are getting into to avoid any surprises down the line.

In conclusion, changing insurance companies does not directly affect your credit rating. However, it is important to be mindful of the indirect ways in which it can impact your creditworthiness. By understanding the relationship between changing insurance companies and your credit rating, and following the tips mentioned above, you can make a smooth transition while maintaining a healthy credit profile.

If you are considering changing insurance companies, Shield Insurance Agency represents over 40 insurance companies and can help you find the right coverage for your needs. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK and an agent will be in touch soon.

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Is Your Flood Zone Secretly Inflating Your Insurance Bill? 🏠 Find Out Now!

Is Your Flood Zone Secretly Inflating Your Insurance Bill? 🏠 Find Out Now!

Shield Insurance Blog | Flood Zone | Home Insurance | Start A Quote Today!

Living in a flood-prone area can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you get to enjoy the beauty of nature and the tranquility of waterfront living. On the other hand, you have to deal with the constant threat of flooding and the potential damage it can cause to your property. One way to protect yourself from the financial burden of flood damage is by having flood insurance. However, the cost of flood insurance can vary depending on your flood zone. In this blog post, we will explore how your flood zone can affect your flood insurance premium.

What is a Flood Zone?

First, let’s understand what a flood zone is. A flood zone is an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) based on the likelihood of flooding. These zones are categorized into different risk levels, ranging from high-risk zones to low-risk zones. The higher the risk, the higher the flood insurance premium.

The effect of your flood zone on your flood insurance premium is significant. Insurance companies use flood zone information to assess the risk of insuring a property. If your property is located in a high-risk flood zone, the chances of experiencing a flood are higher, and therefore, the insurance premium will be higher as well. On the other hand, if your property is located in a low-risk flood zone, the chances of flooding are lower, and the insurance premium will be relatively lower.

The flood insurance premium is calculated based on several factors, including the flood zone, the elevation of your property, the age of your property, and the coverage amount you choose. Insurance companies take into account the historical flood data of your area to determine the risk and set the premium accordingly. If your property is located in a nearby flood area, even if it is not directly in the high-risk zone, it can still affect your premium. Insurance companies consider the proximity to a high-risk flood zone as an additional risk factor.

Flood Zone May Dictate the Need for an Additional Policy

It is important to note that flood insurance is not included in standard homeowners’ insurance policies. If you live in a flood-prone area, it is crucial to have a separate flood insurance policy to protect your property and belongings. Without flood insurance, you may have to bear the entire cost of flood damage, which can be financially devastating.

Shield Insurance Agency represents over 40 insurance companies and can help you find the best flood insurance policy for your needs. Our experienced agents understand the complexities of flood insurance and can guide you through the process of selecting the right coverage. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK and an agent will be in touch soon.

In conclusion, your flood area has a significant effect on your flood insurance premium. Living in a high-risk flood area or a nearby flood zone can result in higher premiums due to the increased likelihood of flooding. It is essential to have flood insurance to protect your property and belongings from the financial consequences of flood damage. Shield Insurance Agency can help you find the right flood insurance policy for your needs. Don’t wait until it’s too late, contact us today for a free quote and secure your peace of mind.

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Flood insurance ☔ the ultimate safeguard for your home - here's why you shouldn't ignore it!

Flood insurance ☔ the ultimate safeguard for your home – here’s why you shouldn’t ignore it!

Shield Agency Blog | Flood Insurance | Contact our office for details!

When it comes to protecting your home and ensuring your financial security, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important aspects of this is having the right insurance coverage in place. While homeowners insurance is a common requirement for most homeowners, there is one type of coverage that often gets overlooked – flood insurance.

Disaster preparedness and emergency planning are crucial for any homeowner. Natural disasters can strike at any time, and being prepared can make all the difference in minimizing damage and ensuring the safety of your loved ones. While many people associate natural disasters with events like hurricanes or earthquakes, one of the most common and destructive disasters is flooding.

Flood damage can be devastating, causing extensive property damage and financial loss. Without the proper insurance coverage, homeowners may find themselves facing significant repair costs and the burden of rebuilding their lives. This is where flood insurance comes into play.

Flood insurance is a specialized type of coverage that protects homeowners from the financial impact of flood damage. It provides coverage for both the structure of your home and its contents, ensuring that you are protected in the event of a flood. While homeowners insurance may cover some types of water damage, it typically does not cover flood damage.

Flood prevention and protection are essential, but it is important to understand that no amount of preparation can completely eliminate the risk of flooding. Even if you live in an area with a low flood risk, it is still wise to consider flood insurance. Flooding can occur due to a variety of factors, including heavy rainfall, melting snow, or even a burst pipe. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to protecting your home and your financial security.

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect your property from a wide range of risks, but it does not typically include flood coverage. This means that without flood insurance, you may be left to bear the financial burden of flood damage on your own. This can be a significant blow to your financial security and can leave you struggling to recover from the aftermath of a flood.

Property damage is not the only concern when it comes to flooding. The emotional toll of losing your home and belongings can be overwhelming. Having flood insurance in place can provide peace of mind, knowing that you have the financial resources to rebuild and replace what has been lost.

Risk management is an important aspect of protecting your home and your financial security. By investing in flood insurance, you are taking proactive steps to mitigate the risk of flood damage. This can help you avoid the financial devastation that can occur in the aftermath of a flood and ensure that you are able to recover and rebuild.

At Shield Insurance Agency, we understand the importance of having the right insurance coverage in place. That’s why we represent over 40 insurance companies, allowing us to find the best coverage options for our clients. Whether you are in need of flood insurance, homeowners insurance, or any other type of coverage, our experienced agents are here to help.

Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK and an agent will be in touch soon. We are committed to helping you protect your home, your belongings, and your financial security. Don’t wait until it’s too late – invest in flood insurance and ensure that you are prepared for whatever comes your way.

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One of the most common questions people have is why it takes longer to get a business insurance quote than an auto insurance quote.

Cracking the Code: Why Auto Insurance Quotes Beat Business Insurance Quotes in Speed

Shield Insurance Blog | Business Insurance | Insurance Quotes | Start A Quote Today!

Business Insurance Quotes vs Auto Insurance Quotes

When it comes to insurance, there are many factors that can affect the time it takes to get a quote. One of the most common questions people have is why it takes longer to get a business insurance quote than an auto insurance quote. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this and provide some insights into the process.

Firstly, it is important to understand that business insurance is a much more complex and specialized type of coverage compared to auto insurance. Business insurance covers a wide range of risks and liabilities that are unique to each individual business. This means that the insurance company needs to gather more information and assess a greater number of factors in order to provide an accurate quote.

One of the main reasons why it takes longer to get a business insurance quote is the level of customization required. Unlike auto insurance, which has standardized coverage options, business insurance needs to be tailored to the specific needs of each business. This means that the insurance company needs to gather detailed information about the business, such as its size, industry, location, and the specific risks it faces. This information is used to determine the appropriate coverage and limits for the business, which can take time to assess.

Insurance Quotes

Another factor that can contribute to the longer quote process for business insurance is the number of insurance companies involved. Unlike auto insurance, where there are a limited number of providers, business insurance has a much larger market. This means that there are more insurance companies to choose from, each with its own underwriting guidelines and pricing models. In order to provide the best quote for a business, the insurance company needs to shop around and compare quotes from multiple providers. This can take time, especially if the business has unique or specialized needs.

Additionally, business insurance often requires more documentation and verification compared to auto insurance. This is because businesses typically have more assets and liabilities that need to be assessed. For example, a business may need to provide financial statements, inventory lists, or proof of compliance with certain regulations. This additional paperwork can add to the time it takes to get a quote, as the insurance company needs to review and verify the information provided.

Furthermore, the complexity of business insurance policies can also contribute to the longer quote process. Business insurance policies often have more coverage options and endorsements compared to auto insurance. This means that the insurance company needs to carefully review and assess each option to ensure that the policy meets the specific needs of the business. This level of detail and customization can take time to evaluate and determine the appropriate coverage and pricing.

In conclusion, there are several reasons why it takes longer to get a business insurance quote compared to an auto insurance quote. The level of customization required, the number of insurance companies involved, the additional documentation and verification, and the complexity of the policies all contribute to the longer quote process. However, it is important to remember that the extra time and effort put into obtaining a business insurance quote is necessary to ensure that the business is adequately protected. So, if you are in need of business insurance, be patient and provide the necessary information to get the best coverage for your unique needs.

If you are looking for the best RV insurance quote, camper van insurance, or the best insurance for Motorhome Insurance near you, Shield Insurance Agency can help. With over 40 insurance companies represented, they have the expertise and resources to find the right coverage at an affordable price. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK and an agent will be in touch soon. Protect your family and your business with the right insurance coverage from Shield Insurance Agency.

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To help you better understand this complex industry, we have compiled a comprehensive list of insurance terms that you should be familiar with.

Know Your Insurance Terms for Peace of Mind

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | Insurance Terms | Start a Quote Today!

Insurance is an essential aspect of our lives, providing us with the necessary protection and peace of mind. However, navigating the world of insurance can be overwhelming, especially with the numerous terms and jargon often used. To help you better understand this complex industry, we have compiled a comprehensive list of insurance terms that you should be familiar with. Whether you are a seasoned policyholder or a newcomer to the world of insurance, this list will serve as a valuable resource.

Insurance Terms

1. Premium: The amount of money you pay to the insurance company in exchange for coverage. Premiums can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on the policy.

2. Deductible: The amount of money you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. For example, if you have a $500 deductible and file a claim for $1,000, you will pay the first $500, and the insurance company will cover the remaining $500.

3. Policy: A contract between you and the insurance company that outlines the terms and conditions of your coverage. It specifies what is covered, the limits of coverage, and any exclusions or conditions.

4. Coverage: The protection provided by an insurance policy. It can include various types, such as auto, home, health, life, and more.

5. Liability: The legal responsibility for any damages or injuries caused to others. Liability coverage is designed to protect you in case you are held responsible for an accident or injury.

6. Claim: A formal request made by the policyholder to the insurance company for compensation or reimbursement for a covered loss or damage.

7. Underwriting: The process of evaluating an applicant’s risk and determining the terms and conditions of their insurance policy. It involves assessing factors such as age, health, driving record, and more.

8. Exclusion: Specific situations or conditions that are not covered by an insurance policy. It is important to review your policy carefully to understand what is excluded from coverage.

9. Rider: An additional provision or amendment to an insurance policy that modifies or expands the coverage. Riders are often used to add specific coverage options or increase policy limits.

10. Agent: A licensed professional who represents an insurance company and helps individuals or businesses find the right insurance coverage. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and assist with the claims process.

11. Insured: The person or entity covered by an insurance policy. This can be an individual, a family, or a business.

12. Loss: The reduction in value or damage to property or assets covered by an insurance policy. It can be due to theft, accident, natural disaster, or other covered events.

13. No-claims bonus: A discount or reward given by insurance companies to policyholders who do not file any claims during a specific period. It encourages safe driving and responsible behavior.

14. Comprehensive coverage: An insurance policy that provides protection against a wide range of risks and perils, including theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters.

15. Grace period: The additional time given to policyholders to pay their premium after the due date without incurring a penalty or losing coverage.

16. Subrogation: The process by which an insurance company seeks reimbursement from a third party who is responsible for the loss or damage covered by the policy. It allows the insurance company to recover the amount paid to the policyholder.

17. Actuary: A professional who uses statistical data and mathematical models to assess risk and determine insurance premiums. They play a crucial role in pricing policies and ensuring the financial stability of insurance companies.

18. Umbrella policy: An additional liability insurance policy that provides coverage beyond the limits of your primary policies. It offers an extra layer of protection against high-cost claims or lawsuits.

19. Depreciation: The decrease in the value of an asset over time due to wear and tear or obsolescence. Insurance policies often take depreciation into account when determining the amount of compensation for a covered loss.

20. Endorsement: A written amendment or addition to an insurance policy that changes the terms or coverage. It can be used to add or remove coverage options, increase or decrease policy limits, or modify other policy provisions.

Understanding these insurance terms will empower you to make informed decisions when it comes to protecting yourself, your family, and your assets. Remember, insurance is not just a financial product; it is a shield that safeguards your future. If you have any questions or need assistance in finding the right insurance coverage, contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today. You can also start the quoting process by visiting this LINK, and an agent will be in touch soon. Stay protected and enjoy peace of mind with comprehensive insurance coverage.

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Insurance 101 for Beginners

Insurance 101 for Beginners

Shield Insurance Blog | Insurance | Start a Quote Today!

What do I need to Know About Insurance?

Insurance is a crucial aspect of our lives that provides financial protection and peace of mind. Whether it’s car insurance, homeowners insurance, or any other type of insurance, understanding the basics is essential. In this blog post, we will explore the fundamental concepts of insurance, different types of insurance, and why it is important to have the right coverage.

Insurance is a contract between an individual or business and an insurance company. The individual or business pays a premium, and in return, the insurance company agrees to provide financial protection in the event of a covered loss. The purpose of insurance is to transfer the risk of potential financial loss from the insured to the insurance company.

Basic Terms and Definitions

To understand insurance better, it is essential to familiarize yourself with some basic terms and definitions. Here are a few key terms:

  • Premium: The amount of money paid to the insurance company for coverage.
  • Deductible: The amount the insured must pay out of pocket before the insurance company starts covering the loss.
  • Policy: The contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage.
  • Coverage: The specific protection provided by the insurance policy.
  • Claim: A request made by the insured to the insurance company for compensation for a covered loss.

Car Insurance for Beginners

Car insurance is one of the most common types of insurance that people need. It provides financial protection in case of accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle. Here are a few things to consider when getting car insurance:

  • Liability Coverage: This coverage pays for damages and injuries you cause to others in an accident.
  • Collision Coverage: This coverage pays for damages to your vehicle in case of a collision.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: This coverage pays for damages to your vehicle caused by events other than collisions, such as theft or natural disasters.

Renters and Homeowners Coverage for Beginners

If you rent or own a home, it is crucial to have renters or homeowners insurance to protect your belongings and property. Here are a few key points to consider:

  • Renters Insurance: This type of insurance provides coverage for your personal belongings in case of theft, fire, or other covered events. It also provides liability coverage in case someone gets injured in your rented property.
  • Homeowners Insurance: This insurance covers your home and belongings against damage or loss caused by covered events. It also provides liability coverage and additional living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable.

What other types of Insurance are there?

Apart from car insurance and homeowners/renters insurance, there are several other types of insurance that you may need depending on your circumstances. Some common types include:

  • Health Insurance: This insurance provides coverage for medical expenses and can help protect you from high healthcare costs.
  • Life Insurance: Life insurance provides financial protection to your loved ones in case of your death. It can help cover funeral expenses, pay off debts, and provide income replacement.
  • Disability Insurance: This insurance provides income replacement if you become disabled and are unable to work.
  • Umbrella Insurance: Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage beyond the limits of your other insurance policies. It can protect you from large lawsuits and claims.

Protection, Family, and Shield Agency

Insurance is all about protection, especially when it comes to your family and assets. Shield Insurance Agency understands the importance of having the right coverage and represents over 40 insurance companies to provide you with the best options. Whether you need car insurance, homeowners insurance, or any other type of insurance, Shield Insurance Agency can help.

Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK, and an agent will be in touch soon. Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect yourself and your loved ones with the right insurance coverage.

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Wounded Soldiers are being enlisted to restore coral reefs of the Florida Keys, giving them a new mission and purpose.

Wounded Soldiers Help Scientists Save Coral Reefs

GoodNews Network | By Andy Corbley | Jul 28, 2023 | Wounded Soldiers | Shield Blog

‘A Blessing’ For Wounded Soldiers Who Help Scientists Save Coral Reefs

Wounded US Army veterans are being enlisted to restore coral reefs of the Florida Keys, giving them a new mission and purpose.

Feeling like they have no purpose is a common despair from veterans of several generations, and the work under the waves is helping combat that sense of listlessness, not to mention putting them in an environment where a lost leg is not nearly as impeding.

The work is part of a collaboration between the Mote Marine Laboratory and the non-profit Combat Wounded Veteran Challenge (CWVC).

Veteran Woulded Soldiers

For a week every year, a team of veterans comes down to help Michael Crosby “re-skin” coral reefs below the waves off the southern tip of Florida.

Crosby has been breeding corals of specific phenotypes that demonstrate tolerance and resilience to rising temperatures and more acidic water, representing conditions that may arise during the next 50 years as the climate changes.

Taking the nursery-raised coral down with them, this year’s work saw a team of 31 veterans seed 1,040 new corals in a reef called Higgs Head. This takes the total of such corals planted by the Mote Laboratory to over 200,000.

They dive down to first clean the dead or dying corals of algae, then use an epoxy resin to glue new, lab-grown coral fragments.

MORE GOOD CORAL NEWS: $25 Million Donation Launches Largest Coral Restoration Project in Hawaii to Renew 120 Miles of Reef

“They have been instrumental in my recovery, helping me learn what I was going to be able to do after losing my leg,” said 41-year-old Army veteran Billy Costello. “It’s great for the heart and the soul, especially when you’re around a group of veterans that have gone through very similar situations and have beat the odds and recovered in such a positive way… It is such a blessing.”

“The coral planting gives the wounded, ill, or injured service member a new found sense of purpose, they get to help the environment and work as a team with other military members who have been what they have been through,” said Lt. Col. (Ret) Andrew Lourake, CWVC Vice President of Operations. “The challenge, camaraderie, and knowing they are making a difference is the highlight of the year for almost all our participants.”

Click here for some more images of wounded soldiers helping the great reefs.

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Father’s Day 2023 is Sun, Jun 18

Love your Daddy! This Sun, Jun 18, 2023, is Father’s Day!

HISTORY.COM | MAY 15, 2023 | Father’s Day | Recreational Insurance | Start a Quote Today!

The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington. However, it was not until 1972—58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official—that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Father’s Day 2023 will occur on Sunday, June 18.

Mother’s Day: Inspiration for Father’s Day

The “Mother’s Day” we celebrate today has its origins in the peace-and-reconciliation campaigns of the post-Civil War era. During the 1860s, at the urging of activist Ann Reeves Jarvis, one divided West Virginia town celebrated “Mother’s Work Days” which brought together the mothers of Confederate and Union soldiers.

Did you know? There are more than 70 million fathers in the United States.

However, Mother’s Day did not become a commercial holiday until 1908, when–inspired by Jarvis’s daughter, Anna Jarvis, who wanted to honor her own mother by making Mother’s Day a national holiday–the John Wanamaker department store in Philadelphia sponsored a service dedicated to mothers in its auditorium.

Thanks in large part to this association with retailers, who saw great potential for profit in the holiday, Mother’s Day caught on right away. In 1909, 45 states observed the day, and in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson approved a resolution that made the second Sunday in May a holiday in honor of “that tender, gentle army, the mothers of America.”


Why the Founder of Mother’s Day Turned Against It

Anna Jarvis, who founded Mother’s Day in 1908, passionately opposed its growing commercialization and eventually campaigned against the holiday.

Origins of Father’s Day

The campaign to celebrate the nation’s fathers did not meet with the same enthusiasm–perhaps because, as one florist explained, “fathers haven’t the same sentimental appeal that mothers have.”

On July 5, 1908, a West Virginia church sponsored the nation’s first event explicitly in honor of fathers, a Sunday sermon in memory of the 362 men who had died in the previous December’s explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company mines in Monongah, but it was a one-time commemoration and not an annual holiday.

The next year, a Spokane, Washington, woman named Sonora Smart Dodd, one of six children raised by a widower, tried to establish an official equivalent to Mother’s Day for male parents. She went to local churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers and government officials to drum up support for her idea, and she was successful: Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910.

Slowly, the holiday spread. In 1916, President Wilson honored the day by using telegraph signals to unfurl a flag in Spokane when he pressed a button in Washington, D.C. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day.

Today, the day honoring fathers is celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of June: Father’s Day 2021 occurs on June 20.

In other countries–especially in Europe and Latin America–fathers are honored on St. Joseph’s Day, a traditional Catholic holiday that falls on March 19.

Click here to enjoy a fascinating video of several Founding Fathers

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Flood Insurance: Protecting Your Home and Family

Flood Insurance: Protecting Your Home and Family

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | Flood Insurance | Start a Quote Today!

As a homeowner, you know that your home is one of the most important investments
you will ever make. It is where you and your family live, where you create memories, and
where you feel safe and secure. However, your home is also vulnerable to natural
disasters such as flooding, which can cause significant damage and financial loss. That
is why it is essential to have flood insurance as part of your home insurance policy.
Home Insurance Flooding

Many homeowners assume that their home insurance policy covers flooding, but this is
not always the case. Most standard home insurance policies do not cover flood
damage, which means that if your home is damaged by flooding, you will have to pay for
the repairs out of your own pocket. This can be a significant financial burden, especially
if the damage is extensive.

Rain Storms

Rain storms can cause significant flooding, even in areas that are not considered
high-risk flood zones. It is important to remember that flood insurance covers damage
caused by any type of flooding, not just from rivers and lakes. This means that even if
your home is not located near a body of water, you may still be at risk for flooding during
a rainstorm.

Home Flood Insurance Quote

To protect your home and family from the financial impact of flooding, you need to have
flood insurance. Flood insurance is a separate policy that covers damage caused by
flooding. It is important to note that flood insurance is not included in your standard
home insurance policy, and you will need to purchase it separately.

Home and Flood Insurance

Flood insurance can be purchased as a standalone policy or as an add-on to your
existing home insurance policy. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, it is
recommended that you purchase flood insurance as an add-on to your home insurance
policy. This will ensure that you have comprehensive coverage for all types of damage,
including flooding.

Homeowners Insurance with Flood Coverage

If you are purchasing a new home, it is important to consider flood insurance as part of
your home insurance policy. Many mortgage lenders require homeowners to have flood
insurance if they live in a high-risk flood zone. Even if you do not live in a high-risk flood
zone, it is still a good idea to have flood insurance to protect your home and family from
unexpected flooding.

Flood Insurance Quote

If you are interested in purchasing flood insurance, it is important to get a quote from a
reputable insurance agency. Shield Insurance Agency represents over 40 insurance
companies, which means that we can provide you with a variety of options for flood
insurance coverage. Our experienced agents can help you find the right policy to meet
your needs and budget.

Protection for Your Family and Home

Flood insurance provides protection for your family and home in the event of a flood. It
can cover damage to your home, personal belongings, and even living expenses if you
are forced to evacuate your home due to flooding. This can provide peace of mind
knowing that you and your family are protected in the event of a natural disaster.

Shield Insurance Agency Represents Over 40 Insurance Companies

At Shield Insurance Agency, we understand the importance of protecting your home and
family from unexpected events such as flooding. That is why we represent over 40
insurance companies, so we can provide you with a variety of options for flood
insurance coverage. Our experienced agents can help you find the right policy to meet
your needs and budget.

Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a Free Quote Today
If you are interested in purchasing flood insurance, contact Shield Insurance Agency
today for a free quote. Our experienced agents can help you find the right policy to meet
your needs and budget. Protect your home and family from the financial impact of
flooding with flood insurance from Shield Insurance Agency.

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