4 Mood-Boosting Activities – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

4 Mood-Boosting Activities

4 mood-boosting activities to keep your mind happy during COVID-19 lock-down

Music, journaling, and spending time with your pets are all science-backed ways to boost mental health during stressful times.

Dancing and singing a happy tune with your loved ones
can boost your mental health.

  • Expressing your artistic self has profound positive impacts on your mental health and wellbeing during times of stress.
  • “Knitting and other forms of textile crafting such as sewing, weaving or crocheting have quite a lot in common with mindfulness and meditation,” according to neuroscientist Dr. Sarah McKay.
  • Spending quality time with your pets can also have beneficial impacts, including lowered cortisol levels and a boosted immune system.

Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts time with your kids (or diving into a new hobby such as quilting on your own) can do wonders for your mental health, and serve as mood-boosting activities according to several studies.

In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, 658 students were asked to keep diaries over the span of 13 days. The students documented their mental states during various crafting activities including painting, sculpting, knitting, scrapbooking, sewing, and crocheting.

Participants who engaged in creative activities were:

  • more enthusiastic about returning to that activity on another day
  • experienced a positive mood boost during their craft activity
  • felt inspired to be productive and creative in other ways

The study also found that people who engaged in regular crafting activities experienced what psychologists call “flourishing,” which is a process of internal growth and purpose provoking mood-boosting activities. Lead author Dr. Tamlin S. Connor reports: “Overall, these findings support the emerging emphasis on everyday creativity as a means of cultivating positive psychological functioning.”

Neuroscience backs up this thinking: the reward center in your brain releases the neurotransmitter dopamine when you do something pleasurable. While our brains are used to releasing dopamine to make us repeat activities that are essential to our survival (like eating or having sex), over time we’ve evolved so that the brain can emit dopamine signals during fun activities like decorating a cake or painting on a canvas.An article written by neuroscientist Dr. Sarah McKay explains: “Knitting and other forms of textile crafting such as sewing, weaving or crocheting have quite a lot in common with mindfulness and meditation, all are reported to have a positive impact on mental health and well-being.”

Karaoke time

Music is also a mood-boosting activity. According to a University of East Anglia (UEA) study, there are several benefits to belting a tune along with a group of people. The results of the study showed that:

  • Social engagement with others gives people a sense of belonging and well-being that often lasts all day.
  • Being part of a group dynamic also helps improve social skills and confidence.
  • Taking part in a fun activity helps improve your mood and allows you to function better on a day-to-day basis.

Tuning into your favorite radio station, playing a karaoke video game, or creating a Spotify playlist your whole family can sing along to is going to have an uplifting effect on everyone’s mood during what is (for most) a very difficult self-isolation period.

Professor Tom Shakespeare, the lead on the study, explains: “We found that singing as part of a group contributes to people’s recovery from mental health problems. For some, it represented one component of a wider program of support. For others, it stood out as key to their recovery or maintenance of health. But the key thing for everyone was that it induced fun and happiness.”

This isn’t the only experiment to prove these results: Other music therapy studies have shown a positive boost in social connection, cognitive stimulation, mental health, and enjoyment.

Spending quality time with pets

Spending time with your pets provides hormonal changes that decrease stress and promote mood-boosting

While this isn’t news to dog owners, you may be surprised to learn just how beneficial spending time with your dog can be. Research from the University of Missouri-Columbia suggests that a few minutes of petting your dog prompts a release of serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin, all known for being “feel-good” and “pleasure-inducing” hormones.

Having a pet can boost immunity.

A 2018 study suggests that infants who are exposed to pets before they are 6 months old have a decreased likelihood of allergies. Pets may also reduce the chances of hay fever, eczema, and upper respiratory infections.

Additionally, having a dog in your home may help balance out or even boost your gut health because dogs have many different types of beneficial bacteria.

Owning a cat or dog can improve cardiovascular health and lower blood pressure.

According to researchers at SUNY Buffalo, participants in a 2004 study who were already taking medication for hypertension showed blood pressure decreases in response to owning a cat or dog. In fact, their blood pressure response to stress was cut in half by spending time with their pet doing mood-boosting activities.

Journaling or expressive writing

Similar to crafting, writing about your personal experiences can help improve your mood, boost happiness, and help you find catharsis during a time of trouble or stress.

During the stressful COVID-19 pandemic, stress and panic seem to be spreading just as quickly as the virus. Writing about your lock-down experience during this time can help decrease your anxiety and increase your mental well-being, according to research.

In a 2006 behavioral therapy study, participants who wrote in the expressive writing style (journaling or the act of keeping a diary) showed significantly lower depression symptoms than those who did not. In a separate North Western University study, this time focused on married couples who were asked to write about a conflict they were experiencing, those who explored their problems together through expressive writing showed greater improvement in marital happiness than those who didn’t write about their issues.

Covid-19 Anxiety Reduction Strategies

Lost Your Job Because of COVID-19?

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How To Stay Creative During Lock-Down – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

How to Stay Creative During Lock-Down

How to stay creative and keep your family sane during lock-down – from one of the world’s best teachers

  • The UN estimates that 1.25 billion children are currently at home as a result of the coronavirus lockdown.
  • British art and textiles teacher Andria Zafirakou won the 2018 Global Teacher Prize and has two teenage daughters.
  • Here she gives some practical tips – from giving your children time to transition to homeschooling, to creative ideas – for navigating staying at home together.
  • This article is part of a series from the World Economic Forum’s Cultural Leaders on building resilience in the pandemic.

In millions of homes across the globe this very minute, parents are juggling like never before as they struggle to stay creative and teach their children while earning a living during the coronavirus lockdown.

As of 20 March, the UN estimates that school’s out for 1.25 billion children and young people, as 124 countries have closed pre-primary to higher-education institutions – impacting almost three-quarters of all enrolled learners.

With their normal weekday routines gone, many of those children will be finding it hard to suddenly have mum and dad as teachers – and many parents will be trying to control the urge not to scream at them.

If that sounds like you, take some comfort in the knowledge that even one of the world’s best teachers admits her own kids aren’t keen on being “taught” by her.

Andria Zafirakou, Teacher, Arts and Textile, Alperton Community School, United Kingdom, speaking during the Session

Andria Zafirakou was awarded the Global Teacher Prize in 2018 and is a World Economic Forum Cultural Leader.

“Even teachers will say their hardest students are their own children,” says British teacher Andria Zafirakou, the 2018 winner of the Global Teacher Prize and a World Economic Forum cultural leader.

“It’s quite tough teaching your own kids because they won’t listen to you, and you have no tolerance or patience. So rest assured, we’re with you!”

The coronavirus is keeping millions of children out of school.

Before schools closed in the UK on 20 March, Zakirafou was teaching art and textiles in person to her students at Alperton Community School in northwest London, where she’s also the Associate Deputy Headteacher. In addition, she runs Artists in Residence, which brings artists into schools to inspire children and young people to seek a career in creative and cultural industries.

Now she’s at home with her husband and setting work for her two teenage daughters – as well as setting remote work for her students, who range from ages 11 to 18 and come from diverse, often poor, backgrounds.

Here are her tips on how to stay creative and keep your family sane when you’re all at home together.

We’re all having to stay creative

I’m finding it really tough not going into school because your classroom is your learning environment and your work environment. It’s hard not having that human contact with the children and picking up on things. And I can’t just go to the stock cupboard, so I have to think about what the students have at home, what access to materials they have and try to create lessons based on that.

I know that not every household has got access to paints, so I’ve been doing collage and lots of drawing activities. I’m really mindful that I want them to be creative and doing things away from the screen. I want them out in the garden, if they have one, to draw what’s there. So it’s about how I can get them to remain creative in their own environments.

Asking questions:

Asking Questions: Creativity is all about questioning: How can I? Why should it? What would happen if? How can I make this, or how can I change this? It’s about making sure that children are always being asked those questions.

Keeping everything: Do not chuck anything away. Keep a bag with all the egg boxes and toilet rolls in a corner, because that’s going to be a mine of incredible craft-making materials.

Setting challenges: What kind of musical instruments can you make today from what’s in the bags over there?

Giving them time: The beauty is that the parents are in control of the time, for once. So you can give your child two hours to get on with a wonderful creative task, and they wouldn’t have that in school.

Finding online resources: Use sharing resources like Twinkl, BBC Bitesize. And then there are the entrepreneurs, like Joe Wicks doing kids’ exercise classes. There are also artists and designers sharing resources.

Being creative with space: Think about the space in your house. What can you change, what room could be theirs? What space is not utilized? What can you get rid of to make them a work area or for their equipment? That’s a very easy thing to fix.

Thinking outside the paintbox: Creativity is not just about arts and crafts, it’s also about the kitchen. What kind of lunch can they make for you while you’re working?

Get creative together

Art can be so powerful because it makes you escape for a little bit, it puts you in that mindfulness zone, and time passes so quickly. You can actually reflect and say, ‘I did that and it looks good. As adults, if we are doing this ourselves, then we are showing good habits to our children.

So take time out of your busy, strange lives at the moment, by doing something like cooking, crochet, or coloring in with your children. That’s a fantastic thing to be doing together, and it will go such a long way.

Don’t worry about your children falling behind

We’ve really got to be kind to each other: we are in a huge transition and it’s extraordinarily difficult. I can sense the anxiety parents might have about children falling behind, but just make sure they do a little bit, often, so that they are still engaged in the daily routine of learning. And be kind to yourself: even if your child does not complete a worksheet, and you’ve had a really bad day with them, that’s OK. It’s not the end of the world.

The one really positive thing that will come out of this is, I’m hoping our young people can be more independent in choosing when and what to learn. If we create children that love learning, they will automatically be researching and trying to find new things to occupy their time with and to be inspired by.

Prepare younger ones for going back

The young people that we really need to work with are 7- to 14-year-olds. We’ve got to be quite careful to keep them inspired and interested – and prepare them for returning to school. A friend of mine has a child with ADHD. She’s worried her child may not want to go back to school, because being at home is quite comforting.

So when we eventually open up the schools, every school has got to be very careful in how they prepare children to come back. They’ll need to think about how every child has been affected by this.

Teach them life skills, too

The most important thing I’ve learned, which surprised me, is that now is a really good time to teach children things you want to be done. Not all lessons need to be academic – they can be life lessons we want our children to learn as well. Even how they should fold their clothes, mop-up, or vacuum. Stay creative Take an hour out and show them how you want them to do it. Usually, life is very fast, and we have no time for this type of teaching. But they are invaluable skills.

Carve out family time

In the evening, we have family time. So from 7.30 p.m. onwards, everyone’s devices go away, and we have a very fiery game of UNO or watch something appropriate on Netflix. Every household with children can now guarantee there’s going to be family time.

Let them chat to friends

It’s really important for the children to communicate with their friends. Parents can set up Zoom talks with their children’s friends. Not every day, but during the week, there should be some way they’re connected with somebody else that’s not you and not another adult.

Try and limit screen time

Lots of parents have contacted us to say they’re worried about children sitting in front of the computer for five hours a day. As a parent, I have printed out lots of worksheets, because young children like to work in their school books. So put parameters in place and try to manage how often they use their online learning resources.

This is where Alexa and all those gizmos are brilliant. Put a timer on for 15 minutes and then say, ‘You are doing those questions in 15 minutes. Help them with time management. And let’s get them reading books, drawing on toilet rolls, cooking, in the garden building things (if possible) – because they can’t be the generation that’s in front of screens learning, otherwise it will have a huge effect on them.

Share the responsibility

We need to jointly plan and give them that sense of responsibility. It’s quite powerful for them to take control of what they’d like to do. And if that’s being in their room drawing, then give them that time, make them exhausted from doing that, because they will get bored very soon. And when they want to do other things, that’s where, as a parent, you’ve already got all these resources and ideas ready to go.

Try not to lose it

There are going to be interesting, diverse scenarios taking place in homes at the moment. Don’t get frazzled, because teachers don’t lose it – they are quite calm. And just remember that your children are transitioning as well. We need to use lots of negotiation and give and take. Every parent is concerned because we’re taking up a new role here, which we’ve never had to do before. But it’s not going to be permanent. Stay creative there’s no quick fix, and you’re not a failure, because this is brand new to us all. The positive thing is, we’re going to get to know our children more.

Covid-19 Anxiety Reduction Strategies

Lost Your Job Because of COVID-19?

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Priority Health Customers – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

Priority Health Customers

Priority Health
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

As Michigan continues to be impacted by this unpredictable illness, we want to remain a supportive partner by sharing important health care coverage updates.

Important COVID-19 coverage news
Your health plan will now fully cover your treatment of COVID-19 in addition to screening and testing.

Your plan already covers screening, whether in-person or virtual, at $0 if your doctor orders a COVID-19 test.If a doctor orders testing based upon your screening results, the test will also be administered at no cost to you.In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one on your health plan is diagnosed with this illness, your treatment of COVID-19 will be fully covered at 100%. We will waive all copays, deductibles, and coinsurance for inpatient and outpatient COVID-19 treatment from an in-network provider through June 30.*Remember, COVID-19 is extremely contagious, so please use virtual care as a first step if you are experiencing symptoms. Contact your primary care provider to ask about virtual care options or log in to your Priority Health member account for virtual care.

For a limited time get your prescriptions safely with free in-home delivery from Meijer, Walgreens and CVS
Our online member FAQs have the latest on prescription delivery, coverage details and more – all in one place.

Coverage options and other helpful resources
During these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever that you have coverage for health care. Whether you’ve lost your job, your employment status has changed, or you want to see if you qualify for financial assistance, you have options.See our updated COVID-19 resources and information page on these topics and much more.

We’ll stay in touch
Information and updates about COVID-19 are changing rapidly and it’s important to stay on top of things. So, we’ll share new information online as soon as it’s available.

Stay safe and well,
Your Priority Health team*This applies to employees of self-funded groups as well unless the employer chooses to opt out. Members on self-funded plans will see a SF on the backside/bottom left corner of their member ID card.
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Michigan Birding - Shield Insurance Agency Blog

Michigan Birding

Michigan Birding is year-round. Michigan Audubon and its 35 chapters host field trips, workshops, and specialty birding tours throughout the year, highlighting the diversity of birdlife in the state. Our organization supports the development of a statewide network of birding trails, giving birders increased knowledge for accessing the state’s best birding locations.

Download a checklist for Michigan birding

Michigan Birding Audubon programs are available for birders of all experience levels. During the summer the organization offers tours of the Kirtland’s Warbler breeding habitat.

The annual Signature Event series offers birders the opportunity to experience seasonal migration in a fun, educational setting, and place special emphasis on conservation needs. For a complete listing of Michigan Audubon and local chapter programs, please visit our Event Calendar.

Michigan Audubon maintains a robust direct email list and is active on social media. Please subscribe to our monthly installments of Michigan Audubon E-News and consider joining our social media feeds.

Birding in a Digital World

Michigan Birding has never been easier, thanks to the wealth of resources and tools available via the Internet and smart device technology. Here are a few of our favorite online birding resources!

Birding Listservs

Online ID Tools and Smartphone Apps


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Famous Museums Offer Tours From Your Couch – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

Famous Museums Offer Tours From Your Couch

Famous Museums offer so much! Going into a self-quarantine can have many complex issues and complications beyond having enough food and supplies for two weeks. In terms of entertainment, it also probably means you’re in for a lot of boredom, a lot of Netflix, and a lot of browsing the internet.

But there is a way to get a little culture and education while you’re confined to your home. According to Fast CompanyGoogle Arts & Culture teamed up with over 2500 museums and galleries around the world to bring anyone and everyone virtual tours and online exhibits of some of the most famous museums around the world.

Now, you get “go to a Famous Museum” and never have to leave your couch.

Google Arts & Culture’s collection includes the British Museum in London, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Guggenheim in New York City, and literally hundreds of more places where you can gain knowledge about art, history, and science. This collection is especially good for students who are looking for ways to stay on top of their studies while schools are closed.

Take a look at just some of Google’s top museums that are offering online tours and exhibits. Museums around the world are also sharing their most zen art on social media to help people cope with staying home. And if that’s not enough culture for you, New York’s Metropolitan Opera will be offering free digital shows every night at 7:30 p.m. Now you can even go “outside” with incredible virtual tours of some of America’s best national parks.

British Museum, London

This famous museum located in the heart of London allows virtual visitors to tour the Great Court and discover the ancient Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies. You can also find hundreds of artifacts on the museum’s virtual tour.

Guggenheim Museum, New York

Google’s Street View feature lets visitors tour the Guggenheim’s famous spiral staircase without ever leaving home. From there, you can discover incredible works of art from the Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, Modern, and Contemporary eras.

National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

This famous American art museum features two online exhibits through Google. The first is an exhibit of American fashion from 1740 to 1895, including many renderings of clothes from the colonial and Revolutionary eras. The second is a collection of works from Dutch Baroque painter Johannes Vermeer.

Musée d’Orsay, Paris

You can virtually walk through this popular gallery that houses dozens of famous works from French artists who worked and lived between 1848 and 1914. Get a peek at artworks from Monet, Cézanne, and Gauguin, among others.

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul

One of Korea’s famous museums can be accessed from anywhere around the world. Google’s virtual tour takes you through six floors of Contemporary art from Korea and all over the globe.

Pergamon Museum, Berlin

As one of Germany’s largest museums, Pergamon has a lot to offer – even if you can’t physically be there. This historical museum is home to plenty of ancient artifacts including the Ishtar Gate of Babylon and, of course, the Pergamon Altar.

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Explore the masterworks from the Dutch Golden Age, including works from Vermeer and Rembrandt. Google offers a Street View tour of this iconic museum, so you can feel as if you’re actually wandering its halls.

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Anyone who is a fan of this tragic, ingenious painter can see his works up close (or, almost up close) by virtually visiting this famous museum – the largest collection of artworks by Vincent van Gogh, including over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and over 750 personal letters.

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

European artworks from as far back as the 8th Century can be found in this California art museum. Take a Street View tour to discover a huge collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, manuscripts, and photographs.

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

This less well-known gallery houses the art collection of one of Florence, Italy’s most famous families, the de’Medicis. The building was designed by Giorgio Vasari in 1560 specifically for Cosimo I de’Medici, but anyone can wander its halls from anywhere in the world.

MASP, São Paulo

The Museu de Arte de São Paulo is a non-profit and Brazil’s first modern museum. Artworks placed on clear perspex frames make it seem like the artwork is hovering in midair. Take a virtual tour to experience the wondrous display for yourself.

National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City

Built in 1964, this museum is dedicated to the archaeology and history of Mexico’s pre-Hispanic heritage. There are 23 exhibit rooms filled with ancient artifacts, including some from the Mayan civilization.

Sadly, not all popular art museums and galleries could be included in Google Arts & Culture’s collection, but some museums are taking it upon themselves to offer online visits. According to Fast Company, the Louvre also offers virtual tours on its website.

To see more of Google Arts & Culture’s collection of museums, visit the collection’s website. There are thousands of museum Street Views on Google as well. Google Arts & Culture also has an online experience for exploring famous historic and cultural heritage sites.

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Lost Your Job Because Of Covid-19 – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

Lost Your Job Because of COVID-19?

If you’ve been laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic and lost your job, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans are losing their jobs as businesses across the country shut their doors or cut back on operations at an unprecedented rate

If you’ve lost your job or been furloughed, start with these seven steps to regroup and, eventually, rebound.

Ask the right questions

The first step is communicating with your employer. There are different types of layoffs. Some may not even be legal, or they may be addressed in your employment contract or collective agreement. Figure out if your employer is willing to commit to your return to work. Knowing the timeline can be very helpful for planning your finances and how you approach the time off.

Find the right support

There are multiple programs today to support workers, but be sure to register for unemployment benefits as quickly as possible, as the influx of applicants is causing a backlog. Also, watch for information on further Congressional emergency-response bills, which could entitle you to add funds because you’ve lost your job.

Be professional

In almost all cases, employers are trying to do their best during a difficult situation. How you act will speak volumes about your character, and as tempting as it may be, now really isn’t the time to post negative things on social media. Businesses will rebound; think about how your actions will be remembered having lost your job.

Take care of your mental health

Being laid off can be an overwhelming and stressful experience of loss and change. Make sure you are focusing on your relationships, getting fresh air and exercise, taking time for yourself and know-how, and getting up to speed on where to reach out for help if you need it.

Write a budget

As overwhelming as it may be, work on a financial plan. Take advantage of the time you have to find other ways to save, like calling your bank, mortgage broker, and utility providers to ask to defer payments. Or look for auto subscriptions on your phone or credit cards to cancel. These small amounts can add up and can be empowering, giving you a feeling of control during a very challenging time. Understanding your financial reality may encourage you to decide to seek employment in the few industries that are currently hiring.

Stay connected with your employer and coworkers

If your layoff is temporary, I encourage people to stay connected with their team and proactively check in. Empathy and will be remembered when COVID-19 has long passed.

Put long-term goals on hold

Now is not the time to worry about the long term. Focus on what can be done in this moment to get through the next few months. Everything will get back on track, but consider planning in 30-to-90-day increments. It’s much less overwhelming and gives you lots of flexibility to embrace opportunities that come your way.

Good luck, and don’t lose hope!

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70 Things To Do With Kids – Shield Insurance Agency Blog

70 Things to Do with Kids

70 Things to Do with Kids Now That We’re All Stuck at Home

The thought of an unexpected, weeks-long isolation period at home with bored children will send chills down the spine of many parents. In fact, as soon as the schools started closing, kids panicked. “What are we going to do all day if we can’t leave the house?” was a common question.

If you are looking for 70 things to do with kids while you’re stuck at home, here are some ideas. Do you have an idea that isn’t on this list? Let us know and we’ll add it! We will all need all the ideas we can get in these next several weeks.

  1. Play indoor hide and seek.
  2. Make decorations, curate a playlist, and throw a family dance party.
  3. Try a new cookie or cake recipe. Bonus idea: Set up a camera or smart phone and film a cooking show!
  4. Build a treehouse.
  5. Make a mancala counting game with an egg carton. Instructions here.
  6. Go camping in the living room.
  7. Play board games.
  8. Design and go on an indoor treasure hunt.
  9. Plan a family garden.
  10. Make ice cream in a bag. Recipe here.
  11. Make slime. Instructions here.
  12. Set up an in-home nail salon and try some nail art techniques. Ideas here.
  13. Dress up in your best clothes and have a fancy dinner.
  14. Make a piñata. Instructions here.
  15. Make friendship bracelets.
  16. Make and blow bubbles. Instructions here.
  17. Teach your pet a new trick.
  18. Make rock candy. Instructions here.
  19. Have an indoor picnic.
  20. Listen to an audiobook or podcast.
  21. Try Cosmic Kids Yoga.
  22. Make paper fidget spinners. Instructions here.
  23. Create your own bingo cards and have a bingo tournament.
  24. Create a family tree.
  25. Let your kids write and direct a stop-motion movie. Learn how it works here.
  26. Learn and play a new card game.
  27. Teach yourself to juggle.
  28. Practice origami, or the art of paper folding. Ideas here.
  29. Play with magnets on a cookie sheet.
  30. Make a maze on the floor with painter’s tape.
  31. Play with sidewalk chalk.
  32. Play indoor volleyball or soccer with balloons.
  33. Have a pizza party. DIY Pizza Bagels recipe here.
  34. Make paper airplanes and see whose plane flies the farthest.
  35. Play dress up with mom and dad’s clothes.
  36. Make your own popsicles.
  37. Go in your backyard and look for four-leaf clovers.
  38. Write a secret message in invisible ink. Recipe for lemon juice invisible ink here.
  39. Play “I Spy” inside or out the window.
  40. Clean out your closets.
  41. Facetime or Skype with family or friends.
  42. Have breakfast in bed.
  43. Have a tea party.
  44. Make a water sensory bag. Instructions here.
  45. Make some play dough.
  46. Create a nature scavenger hunt in your back yard.
  47. Play “The Floor is Lava.”
  48. Snuggle on the couch and read your favorite books.
  49. Rearrange or redecorate your room.
  50. Play in a bubble bath.
  51. Have a pillow fight.
  52. Make an indoor obstacle course.
  53. Have a family music night.
  54. Build a giant fort out of blankets, chairs and pillows
  55. Paint with Kool-Aid. Instructions here.
  56. Put on a puppet show.
  57. Make a scrapbook.
  58. Play marbles on the floor.
  59. Do a puzzle.
  60. Fold clothes together.
  61. Create a new dessert.
  62. Put on your bathrobes and play spa day.
  63. Play 20 Questions.
  64. Create creatures out of pipe cleaners. Ideas here.
  65. Make a treasure bottle. Instructions here.
  66. Decorate a T-shirt.
  67. Write letters to family and friends.
  68. Build a bridge or building with toothpicks or Q-tips.
  69. Play hangman or tic-tac-toe.
  70. Make a time capsule! One day your kids can use it to tell their kids all about this craziness.

Shield Agency hopes you can put these 70 things to good use!

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